Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Constructivist Lesson Plan(Reflection #3)

A constructivist lesson plan mainly focuses on the student’s knowledge and progress. This plan focuses on building the child’s knowledge. The constructivist plan allows the student to work more on their own to allow a thought process. There are six elements included in a constructivist lesson plan. A situation is formed for the student. This can include a guest speaker, a video, maybe a PowerPoint, and even a movie. The situation that is created would raise a problem. The student would have to use the situation in order to find the answer to the problem. The problem should include as many as three questions. Three can be more than three questions included in the problem, but at least three is needed. In the constructivist lesson plan including grouping is necessary to allow the students to work among each other to try to solve the problem. There are two categories when conducting the grouping portion in the lesson plans. How the students will choose their groups and how materials will be used with the groups, also how the materials will be distributed. The way the groups are formed will also be included on the lesson plan. The teacher will also build a bridge between what the students know to what the student will know. The students will then exhibit their explanation not only as an assignment but also to discuss with other classmates. The reflection, which is the end of the lesson planning process, would allow the students to use their imagination. This would allow the students to make small conversations among each other.
The constructivist lesson plan involves the student more than the teacher. The students become more involved with one another and also with their progress. The idea of the constructivist lesson plan is that the student has knowledge, but can use that knowledge to build and create more knowledge from previous experience. The teacher in this case becomes more of an observer to allow the students the build their knowledge. This is almost the completely opposite from behaviorist lesson plans. The main focus with the constructivist lesson plan is to allow the student to collaborate. The main reason for a constructivist lesson plan is to show that knowledge is an active process and students shouldn’t have to receive a lecture to acquire knowledge. The constructivist lesson plan seems as if this is best, because the main focus would be on the student and their knowledge.

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